Friday, June 18, 2010


I can only hope that dear Joyce can see her error before she harms yet more of her brothers and sisters. I find this type of evil most insidious and difficult to heal as the thinker’s mind is closed. Not even the ‘holy spirit’ can heal such a  mind. How the writer of this can in any way think this is a loving email is beyond me.

Hi Colin,

I sometimes read your blog, not often.

But did read the part your wrote about you would have not made a good parent because of your abuse when you were growing up.

I don't think that is a reason or excuse to turn your life into being a gay man.

God did make you a man, &  (I know we have not tread in your shoes,) but God destroyed Sodom & Gomorra for the sexual sins the people were practicing, & just saying you would not have made a good parent is not excuse enough for your life style.

God gave us a command to populate the earth, that is one reason He made us, only one reason, & there are many more reasons, & He made us in His image & I don't think He expected us to populate the earth if we were all living a homosexual existence.

It is hard for me to grasp that people think that homosexual life is in anyway a normal lifestyle, & everyone that is homosexual always has some excuse of their lifestyle, which makes the conclusion of trying to reason to the rest of us that it is okay.

You are a very talented person, God gave you those talents you have, He also puts us through trials & tribulations to make us better people & through these things we are meant to learn from them.

The abuse we go through in life, makes us a better parent, as we know how terrible it is & we want to make sure our children never have to go through that type of abuse, we only learn that from experience.

I'm sure with your talents you would have been a great parent.

You stated you don't believe in Hell, but I am sure just because people don't believe it, that does not mean it isn't going to happen.

There are so many things in the Bible that have happened & are still going to happen., that actually prove the Bible is true.

I know this letter isn't going to change your mind about many things you write, but I just felt I had to write it, I am not condemning you, it is not my place to do that, or to judge you.

I do believe that there is a time we all will be judged, & pray you might realize that too.



Iris said...

This business that homosexuals DECIDE to be so is destructive stuff. So, you think someone wakes up one morning and says, "I want to set myself up for ridicule, persecution and damnation (according to many religious doctrines). Yep. I'm a glutton for punishment and that's what I'm going to do." If all of a sudden, God came down and said, "Ok, folks. I've decided I want to change the rules. We have too many people on this old earth and, from now on, I want you all to be homosexuals until things thin out a bit." So, would you be able to DECIDE to become homosexuals to make God happy? It makes just about as much sense as you saying Colin decided to be homosexual because he suffered abuse and thought he wouldn't be a good father. One has nothing to do with the other. I'm not saying God made a mistake. I'm saying that, just maybe, the folks who wrote PARTS of the Bible were guided more by their own beliefs and feelings than God's divine inspiration. They WERE human, after all.

Lotusblossom Knits said...

Oh.My.Word ...

Where to start ...

Joyce says

Hi Colin, I sometimes read your blog, not often. But did read the part your wrote about you would have not made a good parent because of your abuse when you were growing up. I don't think that is a reason or excuse to turn your life into being a gay man.

Yes Joyce, because we all wake up in the morning and make a conscious decision about what our sexuality will be that day!

Joyce says

God destroyed Sodom & Gomorra for the sexual sins the people were practicing

Why are organised religions so obsessed with who we share our beds with? Why would god care? If he / it exists and if it's so important that we are all heterosexual then surely an omnipotent being would not have made homosexuals??

Joyce says

It is hard for me to grasp that people think that homosexual life is in anyway a normal lifestyle, & everyone that is homosexual always has some excuse of their lifestyle, which makes the conclusion of trying to reason to the rest of us that it is okay.

Yes Joyce, it's hard for you. For the majority of us who make our own decisions and don't need the crutch of an imaginary maker we go with what our conscious dictates. Those who are homosexual don't have 'an excuse', it's who they are, a fundamental part of their personality and as I said above no-one makes a conscious decision about what there sexuality is going to be. If you are Joyce then I suggest you find yourself a good therapist because frankly to be in that amount of denial about yourself is very unhealthy.

And if I go on for much longer my head is going to explode! Apologies for the blog hijack but this sort of nonsense makes my blood boil. I don't understand why people persist in actually believing a lot of this nonsense when it's so harmful.

Take care, I for one enjoy reading about your adventures in dyeing and dog showing.

Take Care

Lotusblossom K

Knitterman said...

Excuse me? Does Joyce actually believe you chose to be gay because of childhood abuse?

And the arrogance of her assertion that there will be a time of judgment and condemnation to hell is just silly. There is no proof of such a thing, and her warnings are unfounded.

Georgina said...

I find it hard to grasp why 'people' would believe in a God who sends people to hell. They talk about God as a father - what father would eternal damn a child? Perhaps they are the sort of people who, as parents, would, if that child happened to be born Homosexual? Or did I get that wrong - are homosexuals 'choosing' their love as a 'result'of life events. Sheesh!!!!! I despair sometimes - where is the real love???

Missy said...

You truly have to find the funny in Fundie!...Joyce is off her damn rocker, that's for sure.

Some Christians (the extremely right-winged, evangelical, fundamental types) LOVE to dredge up the Old Testament and use it as a weapon against those that they find even the tiniest flaw with.

If my memory serves me correctly, once Jesus came on the scene, in the NEW Testament, and he was crucified upon the cross, our sins were washed away and the OLD Laws NO LONGER pertained to us. With exception to the Ten Commandments (which I don't believe add in the 'lay with a man as you do a woman' part.

As a matter of fact, those laws, such as laying with a man as you do a woman pertained to the PRIESTS, not the commoners. All laws made, which were not just ten, but HUNDREDS were primarily made for the Priests.

BUT!....There were also laws that God commanded such as if your husband died, and you had no son, then YOUR land and property went to the next male in the HUSBAND'S family.

Then, let's not forget that if the woman did not produce a male heir, then the husband may lay with another woman of HIS choosing until a male heir is brought in to the family.

I'll bet you Joyce won't go and admit to that. After all, she is stuck on what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

Unknown said...

We will all be judged. But I'm expecting that when Joyce meets her Maker, He will look her in the eye and say, "Why were you so nasty to gay people? I made them too," and she will respond, "That's what my preacher told me to do."

All of the condemnation of homosexuals that the more conservative branch of Christianity likes to find in the Bible is the result of bad theology, biased translation, or taking passages out of context. It's unfortunate that people like Joyce listen to what homophobic preachers tell them, and don't bother to read the words for themselves.

Lol said...

Dear god Colin, how do you deal with this sh1t?

Angela said...

I....i'm at a loss for words how someone can think like that. It's people like her that makes me angry, surely she is going against 'god' by judging a fellow man?

Caroline said...

I believe in Hell. It is to be surrounded FOREVER by people like Joyce.